2021年6月28日 星期一


今日天氣很適合湖上活動,但氣溫實在太高了,熱到不想出門,剛好把新橡皮艇組裝練練手最好了。這台底座是硬殼的,可一片片分開再組起來,應該是比較穩,但是缺點就是重,所以我給它配上了carrying wheels以方便移動,期待下次出遊。

可以折合的carrying wheels 安裝中

2021年6月20日 星期日

20210620-Father's Day and RPYO concert


Sun June 20 RPYO Rehearsal and Concert — CanalSide Tent at the Jewish Community Center at 1200 Edgewood Ave. 

  • Concert at 3:00~4:30PM
    • Patrons bring their own lawn chairs—seating all general admission.自備椅子
    • Expect a pretty big crowd of about 300 people. The capacity of the venue is 500 so we should be OK for social distancing.
    • All students will sit “in the playing area” during the concert even though they may NOT be playing during some of the pieces. It is much too difficult to move around and reset between pieces. 
    • Doors open at 2:15PM (rehearsal may still be going on so arrive quietly)
    • Usher parents arrive about 2:00-2:15PM. 
    • Food and drinks may be brought in for personal consumption only
    • Masks must be worn in common areas, along the entry path but may be removed once seated.
    • Patrons should be vaccinated or have tested negative for Covid within the prior 3 days.
    • Patrons should sit socially distanced from other non-associated patrons.
    • All audience members will be seated in the sun—there is NO shade anywhere in the audience area. . 
    • Concert is free and no tickets are needed but registration is required for concert attendance. Register here: https://irenenarotsky.wufoo.com/forms/x1rd23ke1wmnj9t/
這一排是今年畢業的senior,有申請到MIT, Princeton, Cornell....  算是臥虎藏龍

2021年6月2日 星期三


We're moving ahead with our outdoor concert and are all set up and ready to go!!

Don't forget to bring a blanket or chairs for audience members:

6th graders:  arrive at 6:45, find your spot and unpack.  Bring your tablet or music!  Basses can use school instruments.