2018年5月5日 星期六

20180505-tour of the New York State Capitol

豐富的300年歷史、蓬勃的藝術社群加上看似無邊無際的荒野,這些都讓這哈德森河邊的紐約州首府成為極佳的週末好去處。戶外活動愛好者可以來此滑雪、健行、划獨木舟並且釣魚--這裡是全美最適合釣鱒魚和小嘴黑鱸的地方之一。群山環繞著這座城市,秋季時的紅繡金帷叫人屏息不已。這座城市內最具壓倒性地位的 是十棟建物串聯而成的建築群,當中包括州議會大廈 ;有著美國印地安人與阿爾崗金族印第安人伐木作業之生態造景的紐約州博物館;有著「那顆蛋」暱稱的橢圓形帝國州表演藝術中心等等。歷史迷一定會喜歡這些殖 民時期的住屋,以及頗具歷史的教堂和博物館;你也可以走行程遊覽18世紀的豪宅,建於革命戰爭前的舒維勒宅第(Schuyler)就是個極佳的例子。不管你喜愛的是歷史或是自然,你都可以在這塊上紐約州的珍寶中,找到你想要的一切。

第一推薦的是介於十九世紀下半葉的紐約州政府(New York State Capitol)。這一棟高兩百二十英尺(六十七公尺,約一、二十層高)的建築,歷時三十二年、耗資兩千五百萬美金(折合現今幣值約五億美金)完成,是美 國的「國家歷史地標」(National Historic Landmark)之一。或許可以吸引一些喜歡古蹟的朋友吧!如果有時間的話,建議可以參加約一個小時的免費導覽,能夠一睹州參、眾議院的華麗議事廳以及 「百萬樓梯間」(Million Dollar Staircase)喲


New York State Capitol
地址:Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12210
導覽: 週一至週五,例假日休(聯絡電話:(518) 474-2418)

Dear NYS Capitol Visitor:

Thank you for reserving a tour of the New York State Capitol! This email is a confirmation of your reservation:

Bring a copy of this confirmation letter with you. It will serve as your entrance ticket for the tour.

   Saturday, May 5, 2018,11:00 a.m., XXXXX(3 guests)

Before your visit, please review the following information: 
  • Location: DO NOT go directly to the Capitol—street level entrances will be closed. Meet your tour guide outside the Plaza Visitor Center/Gift Shop in the North Concourse of the Empire State Plaza. All tours will begin and end there. Enter the Concourse from outside using the glass doors on Madison Avenue (across the street from the NYS Museum, 222 Madison Avenue). Or, if you park in the Visitor Lot under the Plaza, take an elevator up to the “C” level to enter the Concourse. The GPS address for underground parking is 100 South Mall Arterial.
  • Time: Please plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to your tour, giving yourself extra time if you are unfamiliar with the area. Make time to use restrooms before the tour.
  • Security: All visitors will go through the Capitol metal detectors. Pocket knives or any other sharp objects, mace and whistles are not allowed in the building. Storage is not available and we cannot hold any items for you. Visitors must accompany the tour guide at all times and leave the building with the guide when the tour is over.
  • Cancellations: If this information is incorrect, you need to cancel your tour, or you have any questions, please call the Visitor Center at 518-474-2418 or email us at plaza.visitor.center@ogs.ny.gov .
  • For further information on directions, parking and dining, please visit our website at www.empirestateplaza.org or the AlbanyHeritage Area Visitors Center at www.albany.org.

The Visitor Center Gift Shop is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. It contains an exciting variety of gifts and Plaza/Capitol mementos. (Gift Shop phone: 518-486-6858.) 

    We look forward to sharing our historic Capitol building with you! 
